Report of Birth


  1. Duly accomplished Report of Birth form in four (4) sets
  2. Birth Certificate issued by Brunei’s Immigration Department
  3. Original and photocopies of the parents’ valid passports
  4. Original and photocopies of the parents’ Marriage Contract issued by PSA/NSO or Report of Birth
  5. In the case of unmarried parents who wish to let the child use the father’s surname, the following are additional requirements:

– Affidavit of Admission of Paternity executed by the father

– Affidavit to use the surname of the father (AUSF) executed by the mother.

  1. Special Pass issued by the Immigration Department
  2. Fee of BND 37.50


Report of Marriage


    1. Duly accomplished Report of Marriage form in four (4) sets
    2. Original and Photocopies of the contracting parties’ valid passports
    3. Certified true copy (by the Magistrate Court) of the Marriage Contract
    4. For marriages contracted in 2010 or earlier, as an additional requirement, the Filipino national/s between the parties should submit a Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from PSA/NSO (issued not more than six (6) months) duly authenticated by the DFA
    5. Fee of BND 37.50

Report of Death


    1. Duly accomplished Report of Death form in four (4) sets
    2. Death Certificate issued by the Immigration Department
    3. Post-Mortem Examination Certificate
    4. Sealing Certificate
    5. Embalmment Certificate
    6. Quarantine Certificate
    7. Police Memorandum on the Release of Corpse
    8. Fee of BND 37.50

Solemnization of Marriage in the Embassy (for parties who are both Filipino nationals)


  1. Certificates of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from PSA/NSO of both parties (issued not more than 6 months from the date of application) duly authenticated by the DFA
  2. Two (2) passport-size photographs of both parties taken during the last six (6) months
  3. Original and photocopies of the contracting parties’ valid passports
  4. A contracting party who is 18-20 years old, as an additional requirement, should submit a notarized Affidavit of Parental Consent executed by both parents, validated by the Regional Trial Court (RTC), and authenticated by the DFA.
  5. A contracting party who is 21-24 years old should submit, as an additional requirement, a notarized Affidavit of Parental Advice executed by both parents, validated by the RTC, and authenticated by the DFA.
  6. Fee of BND 165.00