A delegation from Region IVB represented the Philippines and showcased food products from Palawan and Marinduque at the ASEAN Expo 2013 held at the BRIDEX International Conference Centre, Jerudong, Brunei Darussalam on 26-30 October 2013.

The delegation was organized by officials from the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit No. IVB (DA-RFU IVB) led by Atty. Cipriano G. Santiago and Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) entrepreneurs (DA Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Rejano’s Marinduque Deli and Exotic Delicacies of Palawan).

The ASEAN Expo 2013 was organized and managed by the Cityneon Sendirian (Sdn) Berhad (Bhd), one of the top event organizers in Brunei Darussalam, in collaboration with Brunei Darussalam’s Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR).

ASEAN Expo 2013

The expo aimed to serve as a platform for strategic partnerships between businesses in ASEAN and the international community, in support of the goal of becoming an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. The Expo includes exhibit, social networking activities (including a friendly golf game), business matching, and lectures at a business networking forum.

The said exhibit was opened to manufacturers, exporters, service providers, distributors, traders, trade promotion agencies, and SMEs from ASEAN Member States and trading partners.

During the Philippine delegation’s courtesy call with Ambassador Nestor Z. Ochoa, the group conveyed its appreciation to the Embassy for giving them the opportunity to visit Brunei Darussalam to showcase their region’s products in the expo. “The Embassy is supportive of this undertaking as the Philippines has many export quality products of interest to the Brunei market,” said Ambassador Ochoa.

Upon the initiative of the Philippine Embassy, Ms. Rose Cortez, a representative from the Sim Kim Huat (SKH) Supermarket Sdn Bhd (one of the biggest chain of supermarkets in Brunei Darussalam) met with the Philippine exhibitors and toured them at two of their supermarket branches. They discussed the possible importation of Philippine products such as the arrowroot cookies and cashew nuts to Brunei Darussalam. “Our supermarket is interested in selling arrowroot cookies and cashew nut products, and shall be happy to work with these suppliers in entering the Brunei market,” said Ms. Cortez.

The delegation also met with a Brunei-based trading company to discuss and work out the documentary requirements for importing food products to Brunei Darussalam.

As part of the Philippine Embassy’s initiatives under its economic program, the Embassy disseminates and encourages prospective businesses/SMEs in the Philippines, e.g., importers and exporters, to join expos and trade fairs in Brunei to do business in the host country and the Philippines or vice-versa.