The Philippine Embassy Brunei through its attached agencies conducted outreach/briefing on OWWA, SSS and Pag-ibig programs and services to OFWs from Fratini’s and RMS Portview Seafood Restaurant in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam on Tuesday, 13 September 2011 and at Kuala Belait on Saturday, 17 September 2011.

The purpose of the briefings was to provide OFWs basic knowledge/updates on Philippine Embassy programs and services, particularly on labor and welfare services and OWWA/SSS/Pag-ibig membership coverage.

The said activities were part of the Embassy’s continuing effort to reach out to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and, in the process, promote better understanding and cooperation between and among the Philippine Embassy and OFWs in Brunei.

Ms. Evangeline Mariano, Human Resource and Administrative Manager of Fratini’s and RMS Portview Seafood Restaurant, welcomed the Philippine Embassy officers and representatives.

The resource speakers on these briefings were OWWA Welfare Officer Zenaida S. Ramos, SSS Representative Marivic Rutor, and Pag-IBIG Representative Arlina Feliciano.

• Welfare Officer Ramos discussed the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) programs and benefits. These consisted of:

1. life insurance benefit for the duration of employment contract, which was over and above what was stipulated in the OFW’s employment contract;

2. disability, dismemberment, death, and burial benefits;

3. education and training benefits, such as Education for Development Scholarship Program (EDSP), a 4 to 5 years baccalaureate scholarships for OFWs qualified dependents; Skills for Employment Scholarship Program (SESP), a short-term or up to 2-years TESDA accredited vocational or technician courses for OFWs and their dependents; OFW Dependents Scholarship Program (OFWDSP), financial assistance to poor but deserving students or dependents of OFWs; OWWA’s “Tuloy-Aral at Tuloy Kolehiyo” scholarship project for the children of less-fortunate former overseas Filipino worker;

4. workers’ assistance and on-site programs such as tracing whereabouts of OFWs, conciliation services, outreach programs, prison/hospital/company visits, repatriation assistance for distressed workers and human remains, airport assistance, coordination with families; and reintegration program through entrepreneurial skills training/livelihood, financial literacy, and IT training;

5. livelihood loan programs for OFWs who wanted to go into business; and

6. Search for 2011 Model OFW Family of the Year Award (MOFYA), whose nominations were due on or before 15 September 2011.

Welof Ramos reminded workers to renew/update their OWWA membership to avail themselves of its various programs and benefits.

She further announced the scheduled deadline for the application for OWWA-EDSP Scholarship on 30 September 2011 and informed that the nationwide DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Examination was scheduled on 20 November 2011. All interested applicants were requested to visit the OWWA website for the downloadable application forms.

• SSS Representative Rutor updated the participants on Social Security System (SSS) program and benefits such as maternity, sickness, partial or total disability, death, and funeral benefits. She also mentioned available loan privileges available to SSS members such as the 1 month to 2 months’ salary loan, housing loan, and home repair and improvement loan.

She emphasized the need for members to continue paying their premium contributions, preferably up to a minimum of 120 contributions, to qualify themselves for lifetime retirement pay plus year-end bonus.

She urged OFWs to continue paying their monthly contributions until the age of 60 years or 65 years old to continue enjoying these benefits and have pensions to pay for their needs during old age.

She also discussed SSS Flexi-fund a voluntary provident fund exclusive for OFWs, as an additional service of the SSS on top of its regular OFW membership. She clarified its nature as a pension plan and savings account rolled into one.

• Pag-IBIG Representative Feliciano discussed Philippine Republic Act 9679, requiring all overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to join the Pag-IBIG and enjoy its benefits such as savings that earn tax-free dividends, low-interest housing loans, salary loans, and calamity loans for eligible members.

She also discussed the new Pag-IBIG 2 Program which was open to all existing Pag-IBIG and OFW members and featured a shorter membership term, higher dividend rate per annum, a minimum of P500 monthly contribution, and savings withdrawable at the end of 5 years at the member’s option.

A total of sixty (60) overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) attended the orientations, with thirty five (35) Filipino workers from Bandar Seri Begawan and twenty five (25) from Kuala Belait District.