The Philippine Embassy through the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) conducted an outreach program and livelihood training on Cheese Ensaymada, Buchi, and Pumpkin Juice Making for overseas Filipino workers in Temburong District, Brunei Darussalam on 02 and 03 July 2011.

Temburong District Chairwoman Elibeth Rombo of the Filipino Association in Brunei (FAB) welcomed the Philippine Embassy Officers and staff.

The purpose of the briefing was to provide participants Basic knowledge/updates on Philippine Embassy programs and services, particularly on benefits and welfare services of OWWA and SSS membership coverage.

The outreach activity also included a livelihood training program to equip the participants with new knowledge and skills and provide alternative employability options for livelihood/ income generation in preparation for their reintegration in the Philippines.

The resource speakers on these briefing were OWWA Welfare Officer Zenaida S. Ramos and SSS Representative Marivic Rutor.

• Welfare Officer Ramos discussed the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) programs and benefits. These consisted of:

1. Disability, dismemberment, and death benefits, on top of what was stipulated in the OFW’s employment contract;

2.Education and training benefits, such as Educational Development Scholarship Program (EDSP), a 4 to 5 years baccalaureate scholarships for OFW’s qualified dependents with 150 scholarship slots per school year; Skills and Employment Scholarship Program (SESP), a short-term or up to 2-years TESDA accredited vocational or technician courses for OFWs and their dependent; and Tuloy Aral Program, a financial assistance to poor but deserving students or dependents of OFW;

3. Livelihood loan programs for OFWs who wanted to go into business and

4. Workers assistance and on-site programs such as reintegration program through skills training/livelihood, counseling services, conciliation of cases, and assistance in the repatriation of distressed workers and human remains.

Welof Ramos also gave a lecture on financial literacy to promote the culture of savings, particularly the three-steps to achieve financial freedom and the new redefined meaning of savings.

•SSS Representative Rutor updated the participants on Social Security System (SSS) program and benefits. She emphasized the need for members to continue paying their premium contributions preferably up to 120 contributions to qualify them for lifetime retirement pay plus year-end bonus.

She also discussed maternity, sickness, partial or total disability, death, and funeral benefits. Likewise, she mentioned various SSS loan packages and investment to their Flexi fund.

She urged OFWs to continue paying their monthly contributions until the age of 60 years or 65 years old to continue enjoying these benefits and have pensions to pay for their needs during old age.

Likewise, livelihood training on making cheese ensaymada, buchi, and pumpkin juice were also conducted.

Welof Ramos acted as the resource speaker for the training on Ensaymada and Buchi Making and OFW Arcile Juerez for the pumpkin juice making.

The participants were given lectures and actual hands-on training in preparing ensaymada, buchi and pumpkin juice.

The participants enjoyed these products for refreshments and requested the Philippine Embassy for follow-up session and more livelihood-related and practical programs such as these.

A total of thirty (30) participants attended both the orientation and livelihood training programs.

Welof Ramos encouraged the OFWs and their dependents to take advantage of the various Philippine Embassy programs which are being offered free of charge, and to learn new and practical skills that may be useful to start their own livelihood to earn sustainable income upon their return to the Philippines.