Report of Birth
- Duly accomplished Report of Birth form in four (4) sets
- Birth Certificate issued by Brunei’s Immigration Department
- Original and photocopies of the parents’ valid passports
- Original and photocopies of the parents’ Marriage Contract issued by PSA/NSO or Report of Birth
- In the case of unmarried parents who wish to let the child use the father’s surname, the following are additional requirements:
– Affidavit of Admission of Paternity executed by the father
– Affidavit to use the surname of the father (AUSF) executed by the mother.
- Special Pass issued by the Immigration Department
- Fee of BND 37.50
Report of Marriage
- Duly accomplished Report of Marriage form in four (4) sets
- Original and Photocopies of the contracting parties’ valid passports
- Certified true copy (by the Magistrate Court) of the Marriage Contract
- For marriages contracted in 2010 or earlier, as an additional requirement, the Filipino national/s between the parties should submit a Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from PSA/NSO (issued not more than six (6) months) duly authenticated by the DFA
- Fee of BND 37.50
Report of Death
- Duly accomplished Report of Death form in four (4) sets
- Death Certificate issued by the Immigration Department
- Post-Mortem Examination Certificate
- Sealing Certificate
- Embalmment Certificate
- Quarantine Certificate
- Police Memorandum on the Release of Corpse
- Fee of BND 37.50
Solemnization of Marriage in the Embassy (for parties who are both Filipino nationals)
- Certificates of No Marriage (CENOMAR) from PSA/NSO of both parties (issued not more than 6 months from the date of application) duly authenticated by the DFA
- Two (2) passport-size photographs of both parties taken during the last six (6) months
- Original and photocopies of the contracting parties’ valid passports
- A contracting party who is 18-20 years old, as an additional requirement, should submit a notarized Affidavit of Parental Consent executed by both parents, validated by the Regional Trial Court (RTC), and authenticated by the DFA.
- A contracting party who is 21-24 years old should submit, as an additional requirement, a notarized Affidavit of Parental Advice executed by both parents, validated by the RTC, and authenticated by the DFA.
- Fee of BND 165.00