The admission of foreigners for entry to the Philippines is governed by the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940 (Commonwealth Act No.613), along with related regulations administered and enforced by agents of the Philippine Bureau of Immigration.

A Philippine Visa is an endorsement made on a travel document by a consular officer at a Philippine Embassy or Consulate abroad denoting that the visa application has been properly examined and that the bearer is permitted to proceed to the Philippines and request permission from the Philippine Immigration authorities at the ports of entries to enter the country.

The decision on whether a foreign traveler will be allowed entry into the Philippines rests solely upon the Philippine immigration authorities at various ports of entry, as the admission of foreign nationals is a function of the Philippine Bureau of Immigration and not the visa-issuing consular officer.

Thus, possession of a validly issued visa from a Philippine consular office is not a guarantee that the foreign traveler will be admitted into the Philippines.

After thoroughly preparing the requirements, applicants are to personally appear at the Embassy (during office hours; please note that the Embassy is closed during the observance of Philippine and Bruneian holidays) to submit their documents. 


  • The Visa fee is non-refundable in case an application is denied. Ensure that all the requirements are prepared before your application.
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for visa application and processing.
  • Due to the high volume of applications for consular services received by the Embassy, and to ensure the integrity of the Embassy’s visa services, requests to expedite the release of visas cannot be entertained.
  • Multiple-entry visa applications may be entertained in highly meritorious circumstances, but prior authority needs to be received from the Department of Foreign Affairs, which takes approximately SIX (6) to EIGHT (8) weeks. The applicant’s passport will not be retained by the Embassy and will only be presented once the authority has been issued, after which the visa will be released.
  • Visa applicants 13 years old and above must appear in person at the Embassy for the visa interview; those below 13 years old need not appear personally for the visa application.
  • Inconsistencies, unclear manifestations, insufficient supporting documents, misrepresentation, misdeclaration, providing false information in your visa application, and/or disregard and contempt towards the Philippine Embassy’s officials and representatives will lead to your visa being DENIED and to your inclusion in the VISA BLACKLIST of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.
  • Proper attire is observed at the Philippine Embassy. Clients are advised to dress appropriately when entering the chancery premises.


  • To Download the Non-Immigrant Visa Application Form: CLICK HERE.
  • To View the List of Requirements for Brunei Permanent Residents (I.C.I. Holders): CLICK HERE. 
  • To View the List of Requirements for Other Visa-Required Nationalities (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc.): CLICK HERE. 
  • To Download the Draft Template Letter for Visa Application: CLICK HERE.
  • For Visa-Required nationals whose accommodation and travel will be sponsored.: CLICK HERE.



The following are the countries whose nationals may enter the Philippines without a visa for a stay not exceeding thirty (30) days, provided these foreign nationals are holders of a passport valid for at least six (6) months, beyond the period of stay in the Philippines and return or outward bound tickets to country of origin or next country of destination:

1. Andorra 55. Grenada 109. Papua New Guinea
2. Angola 56. Guatemala 110. Paraguay
3. Antigua and Barbuda 57. Guinea 111. Peru
4. Argentina 58. Guinea Bissau 112. Poland
5. Australia 59. Guyana 113. Portugal
6. Austria 60. Haiti 114. Qatar
7. Bahamas 61. Honduras 115. Romania
8. Bahrain 62. Hungary 116. Rwanda
9. Barbados 63. Iceland 117. Russia
10. Belgium 64. Indonesia 118. Saint Kitts and Nevis
11. Belize 65. Ireland 119. Saint Lucia
12. Benin 66. Israel 120. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
13. Bhutan 67. Italy 121. Samoa
14. Bolivia 68. Jamaica 122. San Marino
15. Botswana 69. Japan 123. Sao Tome and Principe
16. Brazil 70. Kazakhstan 124. Saudi Arabia
17. Brunei 71. Kenya 125. Senegal
18. Bulgaria 72. Kiribati 126. Seychelles
19. Burkina Faso 73. Korea (ROK) 127. Singapore
20. Burundi 74. Kuwait 128.  Slovak Republic
21. Cambodia 75. Kyrgyzstan 129. Slovenia
22. Cameroon 76. Laos 130. Solomon Islands
23. Canada 77. Latvia 131. South Africa
24. Cape Verde 78. Lesotho 132. Spain
25. Central African Republic 79. Liberia 133. Suriname
26. Chad 80. Liechtenstein 134. Swaziland
27. Chile 81. Lithuania 135. Sweden
28. Colombia 82. Luxembourg 136. Switzerland
29. Comoros 83. Madagascar 137. Tajikistan
30. Congo 84. Malawi 138. Tanzania
31. Congo, Democratic Republic 85. Malaysia 139. Thailand
32. Costa Rica 86. Maldives 140. Togo
33. Cote d’Ivoire 87. Mali 141.Trinidad and Tobago
34. Croatia 88. Malta 142. Tunisia
35. Cyprus 89. Marshall Island 143. Turkey
36. Czech Republic 90. Mauritania 144. Turkmenistan
37. Denmark 91. Mauritius 145. Tuvalu
38. Djibouti 92. Mexico 146. Uganda
39. Dominica 93. Micronesia 147.UnitedArab Emirates
40. Dominican Republic 94. Monaco 148. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)
41. Ecuador 95. Mongolia 149. United States of America (USA)
42. El Salvador 96. Morocco 150. Uruguay
43. Equatorial Guinea 97. Mozambique 151. Uzbekistan
44. Eritrea 98. Myanmar 152. Vanuatu
45. Estonia 99. Namibia 153. Vatican
46. Ethiopia 100. Nepal 154. Venezuela
47. Fiji 101. Netherlands 155. Vietnam
48. Finland 102. New Zealand 156. Zambia
49. France 103. Nicaragua 157. Zimbabwe
50. Gabon 104. Niger
51. Gambia 105. Norway
52. Germany 106. Oman
53. Ghana 107. Palau
54. Greece 108. Panama


a) 9(a) Temporary Visitor’s Visa
b) 9(b) Transit/Transient Visa
c) 9(c) For Seamen and Crew Members
d) 9(e) For Accredited Foreign Government Officials, their families and attendants


The Temporary Visitor’s Visa is issued to foreigners who will go to the Philippines for pleasure as tourists, and/or to visit relatives and friends, or for recreation and amusement purposes.

It is also issued to foreigners who are of commercial, industrial, or professional character or any other legitimate activity of a temporary nature. Examples of such temporary visitors are foreigners entering to attend international conferences or negotiate contracts, attending scientific, educational, or business meetings, convocation or conventions, traveling salesmen, factory or agricultural experts, consulting engineers, newspaper correspondents, writers, artists, lecturers, and theatrical performers.


A transient is a person passing in transit to a destination outside the Philippines. To qualify as a transient, the foreigner must be traveling from one country to another via the Philippines. The transit period is limited to seventy-two (72) hours or three (3) days.


  1. Duly accomplished visa application form (Form No. 2A(1);
  2. Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the authorized period of stay in the Philippines;
  3. Two (2) colored passport-size photos, taken within six months before the date of application;
  4. Confirmed return or onward air ticket;
  5. Must be a resident of Brunei;
  6. Must not be in the DFA Blacklist; and
  7. Payment of visa fees


The term “seaman” refers to any foreigner who, in good faith, has signed on the articles of a vessel arriving at a port of the Philippines from any place outside thereof, employed in any capacity on board such vessel, and seeking to enter the Philippines solely in pursuit of his calling as a seaman, to depart with the vessel or reship on another vessel that is bound for a foreign port or place or one coming to the Philippines to join a vessel in this country.


  1. Duly accomplished visa application form (Form No. 2A(1);
  2. Duly accomplished Form No. 61 (for crew list visa);
  3. Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the authorized period of stay in the Philippines and seaman’s book;
  4. Two (2) colored passport-size photos, taken within six months before the date of application;
  5. Letter from Shipping Company;
  6. Must not be in the DFA Blacklist.


Issued to a holder of a diplomatic/official passport, who is an accredited officer/official of a foreign government recognized by the Philippines, and proceeding to the Philippines on official business.


  1. Duly accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa Application Form 2A(1)
  2. Valid Passport; and
  3. Note Verbale/Official letter from the concerned government


Foreign minor children under fifteen years of age, traveling to the Philippines unaccompanied by or not coming to a parent, are NOT ALLOWED to enter the Philippines under Section 29(a)(12) of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940.

To be admitted and excluded from this provision, either parent of the child (or the child's legal guardian) must execute a legal document giving consent that the child will be traveling to the Philippines either alone, or accompanied by a duly appointed travel companion, along with information on the child's place of residence while in the Philippines, and with whom the child will be staying (if applicable).

This affidavit will then be submitted to Philippine port authorities upon arrival in the Philippines to secure a Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG) for the minor child, regardless if the child needs an entry visa or not.


Visa for Bruneian Citizens Valid for 3 months (single entry) BND 60.00
Visa for Bruneian Citizens Valid for 6 months (multiple entry ) BND 105.00
Visa for Bruneian Citizens Valid for 1 year (multiple entry ) BND 150.00
Visa for other nationalities Valid for 3 months (single entry) BND 75.00
Visa for other nationalities Valid for 6 months (multiple entry) BND 135.00
Visa for other nationalities Valid for 1 year (multiple entry) BND 195.00
Affidavits/Certifications related to Visa issuance BND 37.50
Visa Issuance EPF BND 15.00