Ambassador Christopher B. Montero (8th from left), together with the Diplomatic Heads of Missions, pose for a photo with Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Siti Norishan Binti Awang Abdul Ghafor (9th from left) and Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports Permanent Secretary Pengiran Mohammad Amirrizal Bin Pengiran Haji Mahmud (6th from left) during the Diplomatic Corps Friendship Bowling Game 2020 in Bandar Seri Begawan.
Bandar Seri Begawan, 10 February 2020 – In line with its public diplomacy activities, the Philippine Embassy in Brunei Darussalam organized the 1st Diplomatic Corps Friendship Bowling Game at the Airport Mall in Bandar Seri Begawan on 9 February 2020.
In his welcome remarks, Ambassador Christopher B. Montero underscored the importance of the event as a platform to further strengthen the spirit of friendship and camaraderie among the diplomatic corps and the host government, and expressed the hope that similar events be organized in the future.
A total of twenty-two (22) resident diplomatic missions in Brunei Darussalam participated in the event, which was also attended by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) led by Permanent Secretary Siti Norishan Binti Awang Abdul Ghafor, and the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports (MCYS) led by Permanent Secretary Pengiran Mohammad Amirrizal Bin Pengiran Haji Mahmud.
Heads of Missions of diplomatic missions and officials from the MFA and MCYS led their respective teams under a mixed-team format of 16 teams composed of five players each.
Trophies and medals were handed out for highest scorers in the Team and Individual categories.
MFA and MCYS officials, as well as the Heads of Mission and members of the diplomatic corps conveyed their commendations to the Philippine Embassy for a smoothly coordinated and well-organized activity. END
Ambassador Christopher B. Montero delivers the Opening Remarks during the Diplomatic Corps Friendship Bowling 2020. With him are Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Siti Norishan Binti Awang Abdul Ghafor (rightmost), Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports Permanent Secretary Pengiran Mohammad Amirrizal Bin Pengiran Haji Mahmud (leftmost) and H.E. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Hashil Al-Maskari, Ambassador of Oman and the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps (2nd for the left)
Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports Permanent Secretary Pengiran Mohammad Amirrizal Bin Pengiran Haji Mahmud (2nd from left), and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Permanent Secretary Pengiran Haji Saiful Rizal Rizal bin Pg Haji Razali (5th from left), together with the Heads of Diplomatic Missions in Brunei Darussalam, during the Ceremonial Roll Off to start the Diplomatic Corps Friendship Bowling Game 2020
The team led by H.E. Dr Sujatmiko, Ambassador of Indonesia and team members Khairul Azam Bani (Malaysia), Daniel R Walker (USA), Lim Poh Kwee (Singapore) and Abdullah Kosor (Thailand) receiving the 1st place medals from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Siti Norishan Binti Awang Abdul Ghafor, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps H.E. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Hashil Al-Maskari of Oman and Ambassador Christopher B. Montero.Ms. Raiya Al-Maskari and reMr. Roslan bin Haji Patra ceiving the medal and token for 1st place in the Women and Men Individual Category, respectivelyOfficers and personnel from the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, organizer of the Diplomatic Corps Friendship Bowling 2020